Manoj Bajpayee, who was last seen playing a professor in Hansal Mehta's Aligarh, will be next seen playing a traffic constable in late Rajesh Pillai's Traffic and the trailer of the film was revealed today by the makers of the film. Starring Bajpayee, Jimmy Sheirgill, Divya Dutta, Parambrata Chatterjee and others, Traffic, which is the remake of a South flick, revolves around a race against time embarked upon by the police department to transport a live organ (heart) from Mumbai to Pune in just 150 minutes. The film has Jimmy Sheirgill playing the head of the Traffic Police department while Bajpayee will play a traffic constable, who volunteers for the mission of transporting the heart within the deadline. The trailer is quite racy and full of thrills and the film will surely prove to be a treat for fans of fast-paced thrillers. Directed by Rajesh Pillai, produced by Deepak Dhar of Endemol India and presented by Fox Star studios, Traffic is all set to hit t...
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