Aamir Khan tweeted pictures of daughter Ira and her friends wearing Dangal T-shirts Aamir Khan photographed in Mumbai (L). Ira Khan wearing a Dangal T-shirt (Pic Courtesy: aamir_khan ) The countdown to Aamir Khan's Dangal has officially begun and the actor's new film received an endorsement from someone very special. Ira Khan, Aamir's daughter with former wife Reena Dutta, got into Dangal mode recently and it seems the vibe was contagious with her friends helping out in a spot of Dangal publicity. Ira and her friends happily wore T-shirts with the slogan Bapu sehat ke liye tu to haanikaarak hai . An excited Aamir, 51, posted pictures of Ira and her friends on his Twitter account on Tuesday. In Dangal, Aamir Khan plays real life wrestler Mahaveer Singh Phogat who trains his daughters Geeta and Babita to be medal-winning wrestlers. Geeta won gold at the 2010 Commonwealth Games while Babita clinched the silver. These were India's first medals in f...
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