Prime Minister Narendra Modi had launched ‘BHIM’ mobile App to make digital payments and transactions easier for citizens and it is now at the top of the charts of Google Play store. PM Narendra Modi had launched the new BHIM App at the ‘DigiDhan Mela’ programme at Talkatora Stadium in Delhi. The app by the Indian government is inter-operable with other Unified Payment Interface (UPI) applications, and bank accounts. (Reuters/PlayStore) Prime Minister Narendra Modi had launched ‘BHIM’ mobile App to make digital payments and transactions easier for citizens and it is now at the top of the charts of Google Play store. Named after Baba Saheb Bhim Rao Ambedkar, the ‘BHIM’ App is currently available for only android smartphones. Bharat Interface for Money is an app which enables you to make quick and easy payments and transactions using Search Results Unified Payment Interface UPI. According to the PM Modi, the BHIM app will allow the users to make cashless payments using the...
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